Tuesday, January 04, 2011

25 Pts of Execution for US Gov

It seems besides the markets (through QE-2), the Feds are also in the business of propping up cloud computing and IT in general. Here is their new plan - 25 points to reform Govt IT

Here is something that might be of interest to folks "800 DCs to be closed by 2015 as part of Cloud First Policy"

I have been saying for a while now Cloud is about saving $$. It is not about selling more stuff into a account. In fact the overall DC TAM is expected to decrease after Cloud Computing has done its thing. CIOs want it to decrease by at least 30% and vendors want to make sure the remaining 70% includes their wares.

Where is the productivity in AI? Try this!

For some reason, mainstream is now asking for proof of productivity from AI. There are some skeptics. Let me show you how it increases my pr...